Privacy Policy


  1. General information
  2. Processing of personal data
  3. Rights of the data subject
  4. Cookies and analytics in the online store
  5. Final information

1. General information

The administrator of the personal data collected through the Internet Shop is GiftBar company with its registered office in Warsaw, address of the company’s registered office and address for correspondence: 95/99 Solidarności Avenue, LU5, 00-144, Warsaw, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS number 0001045401, NIP 5252962942, REGON 525759951, e-mail address: [email protected], contact number: +48 799 843 723.

1.1. Using the Online Store and making purchases therein is a voluntary act. Provision of personal data by a Customer or Client using the Online Store is also voluntary, with some exceptions: (1) conclusion of contracts with the Administrator – failure to provide personal data necessary for the conclusion and execution of a Sales Contract or an agreement for the provision of Electronic Services, in the manner and to the extent indicated on the website of the Online Store and in the Regulations of the Online Store, results in the impossibility to conclude such a contract. In such cases, the provision of personal data is a contractual requirement, and the data subject is obliged to provide such data if he or she wishes to enter into a given contract with the Administrator. (2) Statutory obligations of the Administrator – providing personal data is a statutory requirement under generally applicable laws that impose an obligation on the Administrator to process personal data (e.g., processing data for tax or accounting purposes), and failure to provide such data will prevent the Administrator from performing such obligations.

1.2. The Administrator shall make special efforts to protect the interests of persons whose personal data are processed, ensuring that the data are: (1) processed in accordance with applicable law; (2) collected for specific, legitimate purposes and not subjected to further processing incompatible with those purposes; (3) reliable and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed; (4) stored in a manner that allows identification of the persons to whom they relate for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing; and (5) processed with adequate security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, by means of appropriate technical and organizational measures.

1.3. In the context of the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing, as well as the risk of violation of the rights or freedoms of natural persons of varying probability and severity, the Administrator shall apply appropriate technical and organizational measures that ensure compliance with the provisions of this Regulation. If necessary, these measures are periodically reviewed and updated. The Administrator uses technical solutions that prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data sent electronically by unauthorized persons.

1.4. All terms, expressions and abbreviations appearing in this Privacy Policy and beginning with a capital letter (e.g. Seller, Online Store, Electronic Service) shall have the established meaning as defined in the Terms and Conditions of the Online Store, available on the pages of the Online Store.

2. Processing of personal data

2.1. The controller has the right to process personal data in cases where one or more of the following conditions are met, and to the extent that these conditions are met: (1) the data subject has given his or her consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specified purposes; (2) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, or to take action at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; (3) the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation incumbent on the Controller; or (4) the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the Controller or of third parties, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject requiring protection of personal data, especially where the data subject is a minor.

2.2. The Administrator’s processing of personal data is always based on one of the grounds indicated in Section 2.1 of this Privacy Policy. The specific grounds for the Administrator’s processing of the personal data of Service Recipients and Customers of the Online Store are detailed in the next section of this privacy policy, relating to the particular purpose of the Administrator’s processing of personal data.

3. Rights of the data subject

3.1. Right of access, rectification, restriction, deletion or portability of personal data – In accordance with the provisions of the RODO Regulation, the data subject has the right to request information from the Controller as to whether his/her personal data is being processed and in what manner. In addition, she has the right to request that her data be corrected or supplemented, that its processing be restricted, that it be deleted (known as the “right to be forgotten”), or that it be transferred to another entity. Detailed procedures for exercising these rights are described in Articles 15-21 of the RODO Regulation.

3.2. Right to withdraw consent at any time – If personal data are processed on the basis of consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of processing carried out before its withdrawal.

3.3. Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – In case of dissatisfaction with the processing of personal data by the Controller, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. In Poland, it is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, and the complaint procedures are set out in the provisions of the RODO Regulation and national data protection laws.

3.4. Right to object – A data subject has the right to object to the processing of personal data at any time if he or she has legitimate reasons based on his or her particular situation. This applies to processing based on Art. 6 paragraph. 1 lit. (e) (public interest or task) or (f) (legitimate interest of the administrator), including profiling. In this case, the Administrator may process personal data only if there are valid legitimate grounds that outweigh the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, investigation or defense of claims.

3.5. Right to object to direct marketing – If personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject has the right to object at any time to such processing, including profiling related to such direct marketing.

3.6. To exercise the above rights, you can contact the Administrator by written message or e-mail, using the address provided at the beginning of the privacy policy, or use the contact form available on the website of the Online Store. The controller is obliged to provide information and take action in response to a request concerning the rights of the data subject in accordance with applicable laws.

4. Cookies and analytics in the online store

4.1. Cookies (cookies) – Definition and Essence:

Cookies are small portions of information in the form of text files, sent by the server and stored on the side of the person visiting the website of the Online Store. They can be stored on various media, such as a computer’s hard drive, a laptop or a smartphone’s memory card, depending on the device the user is using.

4.2. Categories of Cookies in the Context of the Website of the Online Store:

Cookies, which can be sent by the website of the Online Store, can be divided into different types, taking into account different criteria:

A. In terms of supplier:

  1. Własne: Tworzone przez stronę Sklepu Internetowego Administratora.
  2. Trzecie: Należące do innych podmiotów lub osób niż Administrator Sklepu.

B. Due to the period of storage on the device of the person visiting the website of the Online Store:

  1. Sesyjne: Przechowywane do momentu wylogowania się ze Sklepu Internetowego lub zamknięcia przeglądarki internetowej.
  2. Stałe: Przechowywane przez określony czas, zdefiniowany przez parametry każdego pliku lub do momentu ręcznego ich usunięcia.

C. According to the purpose of their use:

  1. Niezbędne: Umożliwiające prawidłowe funkcjonowanie strony Sklepu Internetowego.
  2. Funkcjonalne/Preferencyjne: Umożliwiające dostosowanie strony Sklepu Internetowego do preferencji osoby odwiedzającej stronę.
  3. Analityczne i Wydajnościowe: Gromadzące informacje o sposobie korzystania ze strony Sklepu Internetowego, służące do optymalizacji jej działania.
  4. Marketingowe, Reklamowe i Społecznościowe: Zbierające informacje o osobie odwiedzającej stronę w celu wyświetlania spersonalizowanych reklam, mierzenia skuteczności działań marketingowych oraz prowadzenia innych aktywności marketingowych, także na innych stronach internetowych, takich jak portale społecznościowe, należące do tych samych sieci reklamowych co Sklep Internetowy.

We encourage you to read the above categories to better understand how cookies affect the use of our Online Store and their various functions.

4.3. Purposes of data processing in cookies on the Online Store:

The Administrator has the right to process the data contained in cookies when visitors use the website of the Online Store in order to perform specific functions, including:

A. Identification of Service Recipients as logged in to the Online Store and display of their login information (essential cookies).

B. Remembering the Products added to the shopping cart in order to be able to place an Order (cookies necessary).

C. Storing data from completed Order Forms, surveys or login data to the Online Store (essential and/or functional/preference cookies).

D. Customizing the content of the Online Store website to the individual preferences of the Customer, such as color scheme, font size or page layout, as well as optimizing the use of the website (functional/preference cookies).

E. Keeping anonymous statistics showing the use of the website of the Online Store (statistical cookies).

F. Remarketing, displaying and rendering advertisements, limiting the number of ad impressions, and ignoring advertisements that the Service Recipient has expressly marked as undesirable. Measuring the effectiveness of advertisements and personalizing advertisements, including studying the behavioral characteristics of visitors to the Online Store by anonymously analyzing their actions in order to create their profile and provide them with advertisements tailored to their anticipated interests, including when they visit other websites on the advertising network of Google Ireland Ltd. and Facebook, i.e. Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. (Marketing, advertising and social media cookies).

4.4. Ways to Check Cookies in Browsers:

To find out what cookies are being sent at any given time by the Online Store website, you can use the following steps in the most popular browsers:

  • Chrome browser:

    1. Click the padlock icon on the left side of the address bar.
    2. Go to the “cookies” tab..
  • Firefox browser:

    1. Click the dial icon on the left side of the address bar.
    2. Go to the “allowed” or “blocked” tab.
    3. Click on the field relating to Cookies.
  • Internet Explorer browser:

    1. Click the “Tools” menu..
    2. Go to the “Internet Options” tab..
    3. Go to the “General” tab.
    4. Go to the “Settings” tab..
    5. Click the “view files” field.
  • Opera browser:

    1. Click the padlock icon on the left side of the address bar.
    2. Go to the “cookies” tab.
  • Safari browser:

    1. Click the “Preferences” menu.
    2. Go to the “Privacy” tab.
    3. Click on the “Manage site data” box.

4.5. Privacy Settings in Web Browsers:

By default, most web browsers accept the storage of cookies. Each user has the ability to independently determine the conditions of use of cookies through the settings of their own web browser. This means that you can, for example, partially restrict (e.g. temporarily) or completely disable the storage of cookies. However, in the case of complete disabling of Cookies, some functionality of the Online Store may be limited (e.g. it may be difficult to finalize the Order process through the Order Form due to the lack of remembering the Products in the shopping cart during the subsequent steps of the Order).

4.6. Relevance of Browser Settings in the Context of Cookies:

Your browser settings play a key role in the context of your consent to the use of cookies by our Online Store. In accordance with the law, such consent can also be given through your browser settings. This is an important aspect of data protection and user privacy. For detailed information on how to change the settings for cookies and how to delete them yourself in the most popular web browsers, we encourage you to use the help available in the help section of your web browser and visit the following pages (click on the appropriate link):

  • In Chrome.
  • In Firefox.
  • In Internet Explorer.
  • In the Opera browser.
  • In the Safari browser.
  • In the Microsoft Edge browser.

4.7. Using Google Analytics and Universal Analytics:

The Administrator may use Google Analytics and Universal Analytics services on the Online Store provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland). These services are used to collect statistics and analyze traffic on the Online Store. The data that is collected and processed as part of these services is used to generate statistics that help manage the Online Store and analyze the behavior of visitors to the site. It is worth noting that this data is aggregate and anonymous. In using these services, the Administrator collects information such as the sources and medium of obtaining visitors to the Online Store, visitors’ behavior on the Online Store website, information about the devices and browsers used by visitors, IP addresses and domains, geographic data, and demographic data (such as age, gender) and interests.

4.8. Blocking Google Analytics:

Visitors to the Online Store website have the ability to easily block the transmission of information about their activity on the Online Store website to Google Analytics. This can be done by installing the appropriate browser plug-in provided by Google Ireland Ltd. which is available at this address:

4.9. Google Privacy Policy:

In the context of the Administrator’s use of advertising and analytical services provided by Google Ireland Ltd. it is worth noting that full information on the principles of processing of data of visitors to the Online Store (including data stored in cookies) by Google Ireland Ltd. can be found in the privacy policy of Google services, available at the web address:

4.10. Using the Facebook Pixel:

The Administrator may use on the Online Store the Facebook Pixel service provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland). This service is used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements and to track the activities of visitors to the Online Store, as well as to provide personalized advertisements. This is a tool to help analyze visitor behavior and tailor ads to their interests.

This legal description is intended to provide transparency and protection of personal data of users of the Online Store, so we encourage you to carefully read and understand the regulations and procedures described above.

5. Final information

8.1. Links to Other Websites:

Our Online Store may contain links leading to other websites. It is worth noting that the Administrator encourages you to read the privacy policies of these external sites. This privacy policy only applies to our Online Store and does not include redirects to other websites.

8.2. The Administrator would like to point out that each website has its own rules regarding privacy, security and processing of personal data. Therefore, when you click on a link and leave our Online Store, we recommend that you carefully review the privacy policy in effect on that site.

8.3. If you have any doubts or questions about the data protection policies of external websites, we always recommend that you consult the relevant documents governing the privacy policy of the site in question. This is key to understanding what data protection practices are in place at a particular website.


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